I’ve been trying to think of a time in my adult life when I have been less enthused about Super Tuesday, but you know what? I don’t think there is one, especially where the Presidential race is concerned.
Because it happens so early in primary season, at least one of the major political parties is still in fight mode. The candidates are still at least trying to win votes. They are saying interesting (and yes, sometimes bug-nuts bonkers) things. There is a reason to care about the results rolling in.
This year? Not so much. Neither of the party nominations is truly up for grabs. We’ve known who the candidates are going to be for years. It is not likely that there will be any shocking reveals or surprises tonight.
Worse, neither party has a candidate that the masses are particularly enthused about. On one side, we have Biden. Biden’s popularity has tanked because of his terrible* response to the genocide Israel is carrying out in Gaza. It doesn’t matter how much good he has done or will do. Even if he denounces Israel today, commits to helping Palestinians (which isn’t likely, given today’s news) and manages to completely rebuild Gaza, nobody is going to believe that he’s had an actual change of heart. It will all be seen as a lame attempt at sucking up to voters. And nobody likes a phony.
Unless you’re MAGA.
Speaking of which, the winner of the GOP primary is going to be Trump. And Trump? I mean…is there anything I really have to say? He’s…. Trump. Ick.
I know that there are interesting races happening down ballot. Local elections really do matter. And I do care about them. But a lot of that care and interest is getting trampled by just how forked we are in terms of the Presidential race.
I miss the days when this was exciting instead of terrifying.
*I know. I know “terrible” is not nearly a strong enough word for Biden’s response to Gaza. Is there even an adjective strong enough for that?